hu Beneath The Masks: property

Beneath The Masks


Saturday, July 23, 2005


so we can get a loan over eons. it would very much seem like a piece of wonderful news for a person who's dying to own an apartment.. say.. like me?

so i actually set down and picture the near future..

when i'm 30, i buy a house, pay it over 30 years, reach 60, get my CPF and squander it over 5 years, and life expectancy is 80 years, i'm going to be a beggar for 15 more years..

that is, unless i demortgage my apartment.

which will eventually only get me peanuts.. and i mean.. really peanuts.

which is of course not a good bargain.

enough about such dry topic which no one cares about.. after all, who's insane enough to think about such crap at the age of 20?

got this NKF peanuts joke.

so i've finally convinced myself that i dont like god, cos he (or i believe "she") hasnt given me a reason for existence.
this pathetic outlook as derived together with yiyun as we decided that perhaps living our lives like a vermin or leech doesnt constitute "existence".

but again, that applies to most of us reading this crap, doesnt it?

what a shame.

when what we do doesnt impact the world in a positive way, except turn oxygen into carbon dioxide for the plants, or create wastes so that people have jobs to do to clear it up, other than that, we spend our lives trying hard to make a difference by causing more global warming in an attempt to kill the human population on earth.

basically, we overrate ourselves over other lifeforms, deprive them over their right to roam free..

and we should be ashamed.

perhaps the way i value life is too extreme. but again, i always have been. look out of the window. one day, all these you see can easily disappear, all in the name of the destructive force of nature. but perhaps, ourselves?


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