hu Beneath The Masks: update

Beneath The Masks


Sunday, September 04, 2005



everyone's disappointed to see that there's no update.

oh well, what can i say? school's insane, i think everyone will agree on that.
anything new? Comex perhaps..

jocelin and xiangrong works there. so while people are paid to sell computers, i get paid to buy computers. except i am SICK of comex. thank god it's over!

nothing really gets stuck in my mind so i guess there's no pressing issue for me to bitch about. except nature and its destructive forces terrorising the lands again.

and erm.. my new resolution to reduce drinking to once a month.
it just depends on when i decide to start it. haha.

i miss talking to lena - my favourite roomie!
and bitching to jocelin while she gives me a headache when swaying her body at the interchange.
or just watching rong's expression when i give her the i dont give a damn face.

and i'm finally sick! flu! so i guess i should be able to sleep tonight. what a luxury.. except i havent done tutorials.

it's so nice to be a patient again. only this once i hope. gives me an excuse to take time off from the work and school stuff.

you know those typical british films like Bridget Jones's diary and About a Boy or Wimbledon?

always starts off with a loser. meets someone that changes his/ her life, gets to be a better person, get the girl/ guy he/ she lusts for and will die to screw, finds (somehow) true love, lives happily ever after.

if only life was that simple.

so if i'm that loser. i really dont mind. just as long as i get that happily ever after.

as long as i somehow eventually reach that happily ever after part.

there you go, the confessions of a no-longer teeage girl.


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