hu Beneath The Masks: testmonials

Beneath The Masks


Thursday, August 17, 2006


was sorting out my friendster testimonials when i came thorough these:

HeY GaaaaaaaL!!! FinaLLy WroTe YoU aTeStI...!!! hmmmm JuZ my LuCk to HaFKnOwN YoU FoR 6 yrs... Hai SoooooUnLuCky *heehee! StiLL rmb ThoSe TimEsWheN we AcTuaLLy WeNt to OuR FaV PlaCe DuRinG ReCeSs In sec 2 JuZ to SinG???haha CuM to TinK of It, it WaS QuiTeStuPiD n fun haha... you aLwAz ComPlaiN tt My ponytail hit u... tink it HaTesYoU la... haha AniWae lUcKy foR u to sit BeHinD mi. but hu tell you to AlwAz lean ForWaRd, *huo gai!!! haha...Oh, nta BoTh Of us GoT SaMe GooD TasTe!!!!haha... ReGarDLeSs of it BeiNg CloTheS,AccEsSoRieS n FooD!!! LuCkiLy ta typeOf GuyS we LiKe is v DiFF hehe... Aftwe StaRted to Work, Got income oredi,we SpEnD EveN MoRe... BuT SerIoUsly, IQuiTe EnJoY leh... hee... AniWaE, YoUHaF BeeN a GrEaT GreAt FreN!!! (thoughI AlWaZ say tt it is Soooo sian to seeU again, haha but can't blame mi, i juzlike to irritate you...! ( i knew it! i love to irritate you too!) it has becamemy hobby... oh no, i sound like aphycho...but i now you like it!!!haha...) HeY *CheeRs to OuR FrIenDsHiPtt I noe ll 4eva Con't no matter wad!!!

hey,i have known you for wah~~!6 yearsle..time reallie flies sia..firsttime met her in the school hall of theold temasek sec sch..then we justclick laz..mayb because we are sittinnext to each other..hahaz..erm,waiyue have been a GREATfriend..hahaz..erm,always trying to betherewhenever i need her..hahaz..she can'tbe with me all the time rite??yahz,somemore we two different classesin sec 3 and 4 even now,in tpjc..butnevertheless,i am glad we remained asfriends and still hang out togetherwhenever we are free..will alwaysremember the time we hang outtogether,after school,either to goround our common place,tampines mallor to study in the library..erm,myfirst impression of waiyue is that sheis a very quiet and shy extrahardworking student who pays carefulattention to the teacher..hahaz..butit turned out that she is actuallievery vocal and know how to express herviews and ideas on certain things..asweet girl with clay aiken and orlandobloom as her idols..she very englishbut i more onto the chineseside..hahaz..anyway,despite ourdifferent personalities and hencedifferent opinions,i am glad we oftentry to work things out and remain aswe were in the beginning..=) hence,sheis one of my BEST friends in mysecondary life..(only sec sch?!!) and i hope we will continue to be friends till death..hahaz..keep in touch and allthe best to ya,waiyue~!!

MWHAHAHAHA....!!!!I'm the 1st person to write ur testimonial!!!(extra credit i guess?) okok... hmmm... wy is a v independentthinker.. n one who will not allowherslf or her frenz to be bullied!ha.. but she has a soft side too...*wink wink*

i love you guys.. really..
thanks for always being there for me.


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