hu Beneath The Masks: The World

Beneath The Masks


Monday, June 11, 2007

The World

The world is becoming an unsafe place to live in. Why else do we need more forms of security on top of padlocks? People are making use of chemicals to con and dupe people, theives and rapists are breaking into houses, mass rapists on killing sprees and genocides, kids are on killing sprees in their schools, terrorists are engaging in biological warfares.

In the past it was plain assassination. Kill the guy who's responsible. Just rob and leave the guy to die or something. Not mass killing..

Somewhere across the globe, people are starving. They are suffering for our sins, as our advances are built at the expense of their basis of survival. The drought worsens, they suffer, but do we care? We sit miles away from them in front of the TV in an air conditioned room, making a comment in a sympathetic tone. Enough said.

Then i cannot help but wonder.. What is war for? All wars are started in the name of justice. Justice? No one has declared a war since the WWII. Now we all go to war. So who started it?

Somewhere Mother Nature must be crying. She gives lives. Man so naively think that we have the power to rob others of it. Such power are never bestowed. No. When all men are equal, such powers are never justified. What have we done to make this world better? We think planting trees can atone for more pollution. We think having a conference of political figures once in a while to lament about the dying earth is sufficient. And once the conference ends, we think of new ways to kill the dying planet. Then i cant help but question. If our existence does not make the world better, where's the meaning in it?


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