hu Beneath The Masks: doesnt it feel great to be loved?

Beneath The Masks


Tuesday, September 06, 2005

doesnt it feel great to be loved?

dont throw your shoes at me. what am i asking? before you go "duh", let me explain.

it's only a great feeling if you're loved by the one whom you love.

i suppose nothing else really matters.

or at least, that's what i've learnt today.

so you may ask " so how am i supposed to know if the girl i love loves me? "

i'm not sure about the rest of the girls (and guys)
but personally, i believe all girls keep a little record, be it mentally, a little black book, or a diary..

of the guys she knows that are worth being on her charts.

for myself, i keep a mental note. guys worth being on these charts are broken down into 4 categories.


1. pure friends
2. play boys
3. must grabs
4. abyss

1. pure friends aka limited partnerships
it's avaliable to all, and you're probably a major partner, everyone stands an equal chance, but it's pretty tough to jump charts since you've landed here for some reason, it probably means you're ousted from the other two groups. the good point? you're less likely to land in the abyss.

2. play boys aka public listed companies
all of you are shareholders, as diluted as it is.. but who cares? just get your dividends and ask for nothing more. no true love here, just investments.

3. must grabs aka private limited
why private limited? if you're here, thank god. it means you are the one with something special, and the girls dont want you to be owned by anyone else, and you are limited in terms of quantity. dont we all know why?

4. abyss aka byebye
probably occurs when you try to jump charts. say if you're a friend, but you try to get into the must grabs group, and the girl's down with PMS, in you go into the abyss. so how do you get out of there? be nice and humble. other than that, if you land here from the very start, it's just damn sad.

but again that's just mean me..

i'm sure everyone has different standards!


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