hu Beneath The Masks: history

Beneath The Masks


Saturday, April 16, 2005


read the papers lately?

i'm referring to the china's apparent unhappinness with japan.
sure i mean, japan may have intentionally left out certain details of the war in their history textbooks (which china never fails to point out). but let's just get this right - china has been intentionally harping on it for years. sometimes i wonder if the extreme gore in china's history text's half true. it's been so long? are you sure it's the atrocities that got people so worked up? or the dampened ego of the history that you guys cant get over?
i mean seriously
1. it's over
2. are you guys really damn proud that you lost the war? that you have to constantly protest so that the whole world is watching? and portray yourselves as the "victims"?
3. japan's already apologised like.. ever since i could remember. what else do you guys want? if it werent for them, you guys would probably would still be dreaming and definitely less united.
4. i believe in meritocracy. japan has earned my respect. the only thing they need is to be a little sensitive.
5. germany and america fought so many other countries. how come none of them have a problem? because they dont have pathetic victims to harp over their misfortunes eons later?
(and let's not forget - hitler's genocide was probably much worse)

singpore's casino
and so they tell me it's unethical - to tempt people to gamble..
and so they dramatized the social implications.
and they asked me what i think.
"why not? i think it's a brilliant idea"
and they gave me a cold stare.
well, you cant always expect people to agree with you. heh.
i know people who intentionally go overseas to gamble.
nothing will stop these people, so i think the mere presence of the casino will just save them additional expenses.
if you've got self discipline, i believe you'll be sensible enough to refrain losing your life savings.
okay. so why the casino?
because i think the market is too saturated. we're running out of jobs to create, people are leaving for US, for china. not only are we facing a brain drain, we're losing our capital outflows. instead of looking at it as a threat, why not see it as an opportunity?
if people want to lose their money in macau, why not throw the cash at us?
in fact, i think this is probably the most incredible idea!
everyone will be happy! people who wants to gamble can gamble, we boost tourism, we get jobs, even if we dont legalize gambling, there's always illegal dens anyway, so through this, illegal dens will be less patronised.. and hell! we can get rid of them as well.. aww.. the wonders of a casino. i cant wait for the governtment to give the green light.


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