hu Beneath The Masks: Karma

Beneath The Masks


Saturday, April 30, 2005


3 easy ways to earn more karma points

  • Exercise right next to trees. The huge amount of carbon dioxide that you exhale is critical for trees to photosynthesize. The more carbon dioxide you produce for the trees.. the more karma points you get.
  • A caterpillar landed on your bf's/gf's windscreen while he/she is driving? No.. don't stop the car immediately to conduct "OPERATION RESCUE CATERPILLAR" (that will only earn you 1 karma point). Ask him/her to leave it on the windscreen for a while and treat that lucky caterpillar to a ride of it's life! (hey, not every caterpiller gets to travel at 140km/hr you know?) The caterpillar will THANK the both of you for it! (and both of you get to earn EXTRA karma points.. )
  • Someone is trying to piss you off? Don't curse and swear at the person (that will only reduce YOUR karma points). Just SMILE.. That idiot will be so annoyed that he/she will be cursing and swearing. The more he/she curses and swears, the more karma points he/she loses.. (Alright, so you won't get karma points for doing this.. but hey..the more points that idiot loses, the MORE points you have compared to that idiot)
- rongx2


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