hu Beneath The Masks: the path

Beneath The Masks


Sunday, July 17, 2005

the path

at one point of our lives, i'm pretty sure we've looked back at the paths we took and we ask ourselves.. have we made a wrong turn somewhere? so why did you take that path? because it had been laid for you in perfect concrete, tile by tile? because it has been trodden by followers before you? or because it is a path none has been to? to prove your worth?

and as we look back, we all try to evaluate if this path is right, if the right decision had been made, if we all, at some point of time had made any mistake, or silently praise ourselves for overcoming a challenge no others dared to face.

because once i knew exactly which path to take. which turn to make. what to avoid. when to rest.

and now i stumble every few steps, and i wonder if i'm the same person i knew. if i overestimated myself, if i should never have taken this path in the first place. or perhaps i've lost more strength than i realised?

now i'm at the cross roads once again. and i dont have the courage to take another step.

i'm just tossing coins to decide and living life as if i dont need to take responsibility for anything i do.

and it's not right.

because i'm wasting the seconds that may mean everything to someone else.


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