hu Beneath The Masks: Amenities fee

Beneath The Masks


Monday, August 15, 2005

Amenities fee

in marketing, we call it bundling.. selling you stuff that you need together with the stuff you dont need and making you pay for it anyway. in NTU, we call it "Amenities Fee".

quoting from The Nanyang Chronicle:

"According to the SAO, the amenities fee will be used to pay for the provision of facilities like the foosball tables (what's that?) at the students activities centre, and for the maintanence work like refurbishment of canteens. (huh? i dont see any improvements!)

the shuttle bus on campus (you are charging me for something i didnt use??) , which has gone fare-free starting this semester, will also be paid for using part of the new charges..."

a correction here, they didnt bundle it with something i needed. they made me pay 12 bucks for something i didnt need at all. and they didnt even bother telling me that i was charged this amount.

remember any issue otherwise known as "transparency"?

my point is, i'm not even given a "offer/acceptance" choice!

i think it doesnt benefit most students. i'm sure some of us find it a hassle to wait 5 min for a bus and another 5 for the ride when walking may just take 5 min from north to south.and if it makes you feel better, i've got a concession. taking 179 would be an easier and comfortable option since the frequency is higher. yes, much higher compared to the shuttlebus.

this is ridiculous.

i can eat 3 macdonalds breakfast with $12.


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