you know how network companies claim to have excellent coverage? so why is it that you always get cut off in places like:
1. mrt underground
2. tekong
3. LTs in campus
then you start wondering if advertising claims are true. if you can prove otherwise, can you sue them? any lawyers around?
i suppose i'm pretty much under "house arrest". heh. i have a one-month mc. slack, baby, slack!
that's what i call life.
sometimes we misunderstand parents. we think they are stubborn creatures that dont understand us. they always think they are right. but we all think we are right. are we not like them? they do what they thing is best for us. i do what i think is best for my kids. we just dont agree.
somehow it's the same logic as why mother-in-laws never approve of you.
but that aside.
i wonder why there's always this gap between parents and their kids. what may seem best to them may appear to be the inferior to you. my dad likes the mid-joint of chicken wings. that's why he always saved that for us. it took him 14 years to realise that my brother didnt like that. my brother always thought my dad was giving him the leftovers when my dad was saving what he deemed to be the best for him.
i've learnt that all parents are protective creatures. no matter how your kids are the little devils in everyone else's eyes, they were the best little precious things anyone can have. if anyone comments that your child is fat, throw them a dirty look that says what fat? it's better then the skinny starved boy you have. or at least, that's what i think. and how do we repay our dear mommies in future? we make a nasty comment like "mum, you're getting fatter." sigh.
trust me. they are the most forgiving creatures that ever roam this world. a wife may never forgive her husband for cheating on her, but she will always forgive her child even if he were a murderer.
remember how your mum used to carry your school bag when you were a kid? she never complained. when was the last time you carried her shopping bag for her?
when my friend screamed "i want to get out!" i see the uncanny resemblance. how i used to think this place as a cage. until i was in their shoes. then i realised.. without them, i'll be unprotected, and without this unconditional love. it hurts them more when you turn out to be a worthless piece of s**t or when you do things they think will lead you to the "dark side".
before you try to talk back, think again. do you really mean it?
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