hu Beneath The Masks: phonecall

Beneath The Masks


Sunday, June 26, 2005


It’s one of those days when I’m just sitting in bed at nine in the morning, tuning in to morning madness and the rainy weather’s just perfect for lazing around, and happily enjoying my meiji yogurt when my phone rang.

Some unfamiliar number showed up on the caller ID.

When I picked up the call I was greeted by an enthusiastic high-pitched voice. This girl I used to work in the same company with. Everyone in my department called her the “witch” because she was very much of an enchantress and we were all jealous. I’m just surprised she even called. I mean, I barely know that woman. I think I only had lunch with her once. And I don’t even recall talking much to her.

Anyway, she pronounced my name wrongly as usual, and actually said “haven’t seen you in a while, how have you been?” I didn’t know she cared. I was right. It’s like, before I could even begin my whole loser story about myself, she went babbling about hers.

In her british-waiyue accent, she went on about this cute guy for the first two minutes. And she didn’t even sound british. Except that high-pitch shrill sounded very much like myself when I’m hypocritical a.k.a. conning customers.

So now I know there’s a new marketing guy in town who captured the heart of miss witch. (I still don’t understand why she called me) except there’s one little problem. Obviously the guy doesn’t give a damn about her even though she’s like moping around his department 20 times an hour.

“can you believe it? I mean.. you of all people should understand! The taste of rejection? Come on. I’m young, I’m pretty, I’m rich, I have a bloody degree and he didn’t even look at me?”

Maybe he’s gay. I helpfully suggested.

I don’t think that pacified her.

And I don’t think she cares that her handphone bills are rocketing way up high. These salespeople. They never know when to stop talking. No, I’m not scolding myself. I mean. Hell! It’s damn expensive. And my phone gets heated up easily.

And then suddenly her topic switched to my dearest friend.

“You know that guy in my team? I think he’s cute. Recently I hear he’s unattached. You think so?” I didn’t know it’s possible to choke on yogurt. (yes. He IS unattached. I dumped him six months ago) so anyway, he does look marriageable. (look? He’s 26, doesn’t it bug you that he’s eligible and unattached?)

so the rest of the conversation’s just about cute guys.

Did I mention that I have no life? maybe she's just calling to test me?

And then for the next hour, I sat there wondering what it’s like not to have friends. To call up a near-stranger girl to chat with? Maybe I should reach out to her more. But seriously, why should I care? The last thing I need is to be associated with someone like that.

Especially if she’s interested in your ex-boyfriend.


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