hu Beneath The Masks: relationships

Beneath The Masks


Monday, June 13, 2005


i sincerely apologize for the lack of updates. lately we've all been busy. everyone's working, except maybe me, so i suppose it wouldnt be too much if i clear my debts another day? say sometime in july??

i'm so going to go straight to the point. anyone interested in buying mp3 players? brand new, at a rate of 5-10% cheaper. or at least that's what the supplier promised me. only for creative and astone only though. give me a buzz! or drop me a comment. heh.

the things people are typing into search engines worry me. after checking out referrers to this blog, i see people searching for "singapore girls asking for sex", okay, so no big deal, it's pretty normal isnt it? how does "suicidal girls" sound? this is so not right?! what is this society turning into?

what is the Internet opening the floodgates to?

hah! i'm not going to go into a GP argumentative essay about the pros and cons of the Internet, even though i'll very much like to.


oh. what was i going to blog about?


Annabella and myself

i just attended a wedding, and as you all probably know by now, nothing gives me more joy than attending weddings. i get free flow of alcohol.

it's just that the way the "young punks" today handle relationships.. i fear that my ticket to beer is dying out.

i dont know, i mean i'm into the "dating but not officially together" game, and i suppose that was bad enough. recently i've discovered that people are also into the "we're in a cold war but i'm not ending this relationship and curse you i can still date other people at the same time" crap.

so hell, how can anyone get married at this rate?

or do i worry too much? oh, by the way, may i warn all against drunk driving.

i wonder if it's because i'm still at the "conservative"you gotta be kidding stage or the evolution of this new breed of species is too rapid for me to comprehend. either way, it probably means that if i attempt to date anyone younger than myself, i'll suffer from the fate of "i dont know what men (boys) want". not that i'm not already suffering from that.

boys and girls, do try to handle these relationship problems responsibly. so we can all stop wasting each other's time.

*ahem* anyway, i came across this article.
Camera of Sean Penn, Journalist, Confiscated in Iran
before you go "huh?", anyone remember who sean penn is? does I am Sam, or The interpreter ring a bell?

so there you go..

you know how we always think that entertainers (as in actors or artists) that somehow want to get involved in politics turned out to be a joke? hey, no offence, look at Arnold Schwarzenegger. look at him!!!

so anyway chrenkoff was making a comment about Penn:

Now, journalists, of course, are supposed to be impartial recorders and reporters of fact. Penn, despite his latest official stint, is not one.

and that is so true, but you know what's worse? that fact that because we know these people, what they say or write actually has a bigger impact on us! it's like, if kate moss actually shows the whole world that we all need to eat more and all size twelve woman are more attractive than size eights, i think we'll battle aneroxia pretty easily. admit it, we're not just jealous of her previous engagement to johnny depp, her size was a morale killer. not that she's into journalism, but you get my point. if clay aikem tells me to vote for a certain politician, i will cos i'm so in love with him..

okay, maybe not the "in love" part.

so, back to journalists. i suppose it's pretty unfair to judge them. i mean, how often can you manage an indifferent tone in writing? no matter how "factual" a journalist can be, it's pretty easy to detect which side they're on. we are, after all, humans. we've got a heart to complement the brain and god knows why.


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