hu Beneath The Masks: my hols

Beneath The Masks


Sunday, December 18, 2005

my hols

updates updates!

okay. for one thing, i'm not lost somewhere in congo. i know most of you havent seen me in awhile. actually. you guys have not seen me since my birthday.

oh my god.

i'm just a little busy.


nothing really interesting happens to me these days.
no one dumps me. i'm not dumping anyone. no cute guys in my life.

seriously. i dont even know what i can update on.

ok. i gained a kg.

if that's even worth noting.

my life's really.. amazing.

i've been a spoilt brat since young.
teenage was a breeze.

you see.. i'm still 20.
a long long way to go.

i've practically done what i've wanted.

please dont give me any accessories for christmas. besides a wedding band with a round-cut diamond ring, nothing appeals to me anymore.

it's like i'm so sick of these kind of stuff.

and no IT accessories as well.

i've seen enough hardware to buy over sim lim square.

how come i still feel like a kid?

had my fortune told. seems that my whole life will be dedicated to work. (thank god).

that also means i wont marry a fiercely rich guy.


seriously. i dont trust the fortune teller guy.
he asked me if my relationship with my husband is good.
i almost fainted.

really.. some people.

wished i've been careful with my heart.
that's probably one of the greatest regrets in my life.

i probably wont make a mistake like that again.

or a mistake like that nasty haircut.

these days i just tie a pony tail, wear my glasses, dress in shorts and go to work.
no cute guy to see anyway.

i've gotten a little.. complacent i guess.

for someone as vain as me.. to wear glasses. haha.

i am so not pretty.


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