hu Beneath The Masks: Politicians

Beneath The Masks


Friday, July 07, 2006


Politicians tell me they are the voices of the people.

I hear no such voice.

"Our people", they claim, as if they are one of us.

I don't think so.

Sure, some politicians are part of us. People like Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, Mr Teo Chee Hean, etc, yes i think they are part of us, speaking up for the people.

I'm not sure politicians these days are what they claim to be anymore.

Petrol prices are more of an excuse than a reason these days.
For one, I didnt get the progress package, and I think i bear the damn fare hikes in cabs more than anyone of them does. I suspect, of course, that bus fares will go up soon.

But no, COE prices are plunging, arent they?

Go! Employers, big bosses, rich men, tai-tais, go sit in your big cars and watch the income gaps widen.

And ban the voices of the people.

Yes, i'm talking about the Mr Brown issue.

Ar, no, you let them speak, and then send someone with great language skills to tackle every sentence in the blog/ column/ email.. whatever..

The last time I remembered, the press is controlled.

Subtletly, at least.

I think everyone ought to be given a chance to speak, whether it's fair or not, it's up to the reader to judge. Politicians are not lawyers, you dont have to be so defiant and jump at every comment made about the policies.

Are we kids that have no brains to think for ourselves such that we need the government to filter every single word that we read? every idea that we have?

Other countries are probably thinking..
how do we survive it? To them we're like this group of well-fed people with no wants. the "well-fed" part is good. considering that our thoughtful government helps us save through CPF, it's really hard to starve to death.

It's nice, it's safe, it's everything anyone can ask for.

Dont get me wrong. I love my country, which is the reason why i'm trying to make it a better place to live it.

That's it.
i'm joining politics.
For one, i doubt politicians suffer pay cuts.


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