hu Beneath The Masks: conforming

Beneath The Masks


Monday, May 16, 2005


i am a conformist, even though i would like to see myself as an indivualist. a conforming indivualist - you may call it.

society's perception has barely changed over the years. the taboos, the beliefs.

despite science taking over, there are areas which we cannot understand, science no longer amaze us the way it did in the 1700s.

i think science is a scary thing. we attempt to uncover the laws of nature, to find out that we are not what we think we are, or what the religious books describe us to be. no, we are not children of god. we are not the center of the universe. we form an incredibly small part of it. would it have been better of Darwin did not propose his evolution theory? or if the ways to use electricity were never discovered, will the world be a better place without pollution?

i love rome, it was, in my opinion, the best civilisation that ever existed. where a hint of democracy first started, when reason prevailed. save the bloody competitions and slavery, Rome was perfect. but religion also existed in this era of reason. Rome wiped out these religions that were not "orthodox" or belonged to them.

and so i'm reviewing my stand.

incoherent? i know. that's the way i write.

now i blame religion for hindering science. genetic engineering can save millions once we have a breakthrough to utilise it well, yet we are talking about morals? where was morals when we kill in the name of god?

so i'm digressing.

i wonder if i will think clearer of i train my left and right brains seperately. or maybe that's why i'm having split personalities.


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