hu Beneath The Masks: communication

Beneath The Masks


Thursday, March 17, 2005


i'm tired, attempting to cut off all forms of communication. especially msn.
this isolation seems devastatingly appealing to me.
yes, i like that idea.

it seems that i think very differently from rong.
even the type of houses we have in mind.
shows how we depict our future.. i believe..
she's probably more family oriented.

i think parents that hit their children in public should be hanged.
i dont believe in beating the hell out of the poor kid.
if you cant handle a child, dont give birth to one.
i remember reprimanding a mother for violently dragging the kid across the street.
she shot a dirty look at me and said "what do you know? you wont know how frustrated i am!"
i smiled and replied.. "what do you know? i'm a mother, i dont have any trouble handling my kids.." out of spite, of course..
she almost murdered me.

i refuse to believe that americans can bring their kids up without reaching for the rod but singaporeans cant.

it's just excuses.

running away from the correct way of disciplining your kids..
taking the easy way out and blaming your kids.
you cowards.


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