hu Beneath The Masks: chlorpheniramine

Beneath The Masks


Saturday, March 26, 2005


all it took was 4 chlorpheniramine tablets to get me into a forced state of hibernation for 18 hours straight.
i had no idea it was that strong, or i probably would have cut down on them.
it's primary use was not for sleeplessness.
rather, it was used to cure flu.
but i needed the sleep, and i dont know what to tell the doctor. that what? i'm losing my sanity?
there are side effects of course. mainly i woke up with a headache, and i'm not supposed to drive if i have half of the teeny weeny tablet.
but i suppose the warning message's good for me.
firstly, no alcohol, so i'm going to keep to it. the last time i mixed half of the pill and beer, i almost passed out. now that i'm taking 8 times the dose, drinking would be suicidal. ( p.s. if anyone wants to end their lives, do me a favour and read ziwei's blog. if you're lazy to, remember, no slashing of wrists and no drug overdose. and by the way, suicide's illegal) which reminds me.. i cant have a criminal record because the credibility of accountants and auditors are their only source of survival. get tainted and well.. refer to the italics above.
secondly, i havnt been driving in a while. because i am a road hazard and i know it. so it's not exactly a problem to me since jac's around for the time being until his license gets revoked cos of the wonderful red light camera. the wonders of technology. so now, i'm planning to save up to buy a concession pass to take the 4 hour public transport. which is a pain because i never liked school. and i have an info-comm lesson that only lasts for 1 hour on tuesday.
that's it.
i'm skipping school.


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