hu Beneath The Masks: April 2009

Beneath The Masks


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

What now?

One day you find yourself seated in front of your computer.

And you realised that you're turning 24.

3 years since you've celebrated adulthood.

And you wonder.. what have you accomplished?

For you have nothing.

Day after day, you delude yourself that there is a greater cause in your life. And yet, soon you lose faith in your belief. Soon, of cos, soon. Soon you realise that the numbness wears off, and you're left with an unbearable ache. The tingling feeling soon evolves into something more, slowly, yet surely, engulfing you. And you recall that line in Robin Hood, its called "carving the heart out with a spoon". Why the spoon? Because it's blunt. It hurts. It's slow. It's painful.

That's why.

Because you're no better where you started from.

Then you ask yourself. What now?

One way or another, you have to find yourself back to the field. Because the next game is coming. And you're not allowed to miss it. Can you miss it? Can you?

Are you a quitter? It takes courage to quit.

What now?

You need some faith.

Clock's ticking.

Do you even know what you want?