hu Beneath The Masks: March 2007

Beneath The Masks


Monday, March 26, 2007

The answer to...

I guess i got tired of looking for a new hobby.
Maybe my new hobby was to look for a new hobby.
I dont know anymore.

What do i know these days anyway?
Capitaland's share price is S$7.75
What else?
I dont know anything anymore.

I guess i got tired of looking for answers.
They're beginning not to make sense to me anymore.
Words are but words. I read them in a different tone, and it has an entirely new meaning to it.
Joy? Sarcasm?
I have no idea.
I just know the underlying meaning that i try so hard to ignore.

You know how sometimes you try to ignore or forget something.
You try so hard, maybe you succeed.
One fine day it smacks you in the face and you don't like the way it feels.
That's reality, you know it.

You know how sometimes you tell yourself some things don't matter.
You know it does.
I wonder where self denial gets me.

I've realised how I've used "I" and "You" to talk about myself sometimes.
Occassionally i think its the hamlet insaneness creeping in.
Other times i think that the two sides to me are becoming more distinct.
And it scares me.

Sometimes i dont know if i am that person anymore.

Most days i know i'm not.

Friday, March 23, 2007

i love shopping!

i love shopping!
especially online shopping cos the stuff all looks so good!

I hate the guy that came up with the idea of grad trips.

Mainly cos i'm freaking broke.
So i cant go to US or Japan cos it's ex.
The guys are suggesting HK n Taiwan..
Which the prices are considerable cheaper cos some of them originate from these regions.. as weird as it sounds, which brings the costs to 30% than that of Japan with Alicia.

Which idiot came up with the idea of grad trips again?
His dad must be rich.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The final semester

This final semester has been flooded with quizzes.
Absolutely detest it.

I'm actually mugging for them..

There's one thing you'll probably discover by now if you're an undergrad.

input not = to output in terms of effort.

But well, everyone's mugging, so you'll be at an disadvantage if you have no idea what to do with those damn bonds

Dr Cash
Discount on bonds payable
Cr Bonds Payable

Someone please clap.. I actually remember this!
C'mon, i'm a bloody accouting undergrad.. What do you expect? *yawn*

Oh well, back to mugging I guess..
Wish me luck!

Monday, March 05, 2007

MRT observation

I absolutely hate it when people give up their seats to parent carrying kids, then the parent will land their asses on the chair and let their kids run around on the train.

Hey fat ass, i didnt give up that seat for you. i gave it up for YOUR KIDS.

some parents are terrible.

sometimes i love to see their kids stumble and fall. see? these people never learn. then when anything bad happens they blame smrt.
how can you blame others for your bad parenting?


Friday, March 02, 2007



For one bloody week..
This mixture of fever, flu and cough is killing me.. Sigh~~

This is such a sad sad recess.