hu Beneath The Masks: September 2005

Beneath The Masks


Saturday, September 24, 2005

and here's one more version... which is more true???

How To Tell If A Girl Likes A Guy:

1. She makes eye contact and smiles at you.
2. She calls you for homework....A LOT.
3. She flips her hair when she's talking to you.
4. She touches your arm when she talks to you.
5. She says, "No, I'm not telling you who I like!" with a big smile on her face.
6. She asks you who you like or who you would go out with seemingly interested.
7. When you go to the movies with a bunch of your friends and she is almost always next to you.
8. She criticizes you on a girl you like.
9. She knows your WHOLE families name, (including your dog).
10. She knows stuff about you like your birthday, eye color, favorite color,screen name, favorite food, favorite band, what music you like, and favorite sport.
11. Her friends outside of school and in school know about you, and says she talks about you a lot.
12. She knows your phone number and address.
13. She will try and talk, and spend time with you as much as possible.
14. She teases you a lot.
15. Looks for you at recess.

How To Tell If A Guy Likes A Girl:

1. His snow ball hits you, (but not in the face).
2. He threw away his laser pointer after you told him you think they promote random acts of violence.
3. After asking you to sign his year book, he wrote, "How come we never hang out?" in yours.
4. He yelled, "Hi!", to your mom that day she picked you up from school.
5. He blew off his buds to go see "Run Away Bride" with you cuz you couldn't get another girl pal to go and didn't want to go alone.
6. Forgot your gloves? You can wear his.
7. His voice gets softer ("Hey, you") when ever you two talk.
8. You hung up on him. He called you back.
9. You where invited by him to a group outing.
10. He called you to talk about nothing at all.
11. He imitates your laugh. OK, you do snort sometimes. Which makes you laugh even harder.
12. He remembers little things you mention in casual conversation.
13. He sometimes stares straight into your eyes.
14. He asks you to dance with him.
15. He tries to sit next to you a lot and talks to you in class.
16. He touches, complements, and uses ure stuff.
17. He buys u stuff.
18. He pays attention to you when u are doing a presentation.
19. He tries to follow you.
20. His friends tease you about what a couple you and him are.
it's been a long long time,a few zillion centuries (okie,that's exaggerating) since i blogged here.. and hence i decided to leave a "footprint" to prove that i still exist in this blog.. haha..

happened to chance upon this interesting topic whil on friendster.. dunno how true it is but do read on..

How To Tell If A Guy Likes A Girl:

1. The guy will try to make you laugh.
2. He'll flirt with you when he can.
3. He might try to show off around you.
4. He'll help you out, if you ask for it.
5. He'll stick up for you when you need it most.
6. He'll be friendly to you and all your friends.
7. He might call you for no good reason.
8. He might make fun of you, in a joking way.
9. He'll tell you that you did good, even if you did horrible.
10. He'll make eye contact with a happy grin on his face.

How To Tell If A Girl Likes A Guy:

1. The girl will laugh at all your jokes.
2. She'll stare at you with a smile on her face.
3. She'll ask you who you like, continuously.
4. She might try to make you jealous.
5. She'll beg that you do everything for her.
6. She might start talking to your friends.
7. She'll talk to you about the different varieties of guys.
8. She'll always seem to be talking about how nice you are.
9. She'll always be flirting with every other guy except you.
10. She'll always ask what to do in a bad situation.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


lately i realised that people have problem understanding what i say/ type;

i wonder why.

and so i am counting down to the launch date of my biz. although i think my time should be dedicated to accounting.

it's about time to renew my passport. but i dont see why i should if i go overseas only about once every four years anyway.

funny how my thoughts are always jumbled and not organised.

if i ever get that sorted out, i'll probably ace my biz comm after all.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

kailin, lena, diana, huixin
kailin, lena, kaijing, waiyue, huixin, jocelin
diana and hj
kailin, lena, waiyue (photographer: diana)
waiyue (photographer: diana)
waiyue n lena (photographer: diana)
banana split
diana n hj
diana n hj

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


i shouldnt waste time waiting for miracles. that's what i keep telling myself.

move on.

so why cant i?
why cant we all move on?

because we cant forget someone just because he/she doesnt love us back in return?
it's not so easy to forget.
i heard someone say during the meeting at subway.

ok. maybe that's why.

what's the point? silly humans. waiting for miracles, knowing some things will not happen. til the expectations wear you down, then you begin to realise that perhaps your reason for existence is being questioned. so why cant i? why cant you? it's not as if we're thrown into the deepest parts of the fiery chasm. how long will it take before you unlock that heart?

i judge people too harshly, expecting them to feel, think, and act the way i do. i expect too much from them. i expect more from the people i love, giving them more stress than i know.

then i pause and think: do i expect the same from myself?

it's so hard to breathe at night, as though the air's gone thinner.

how did things turn out like this? living my life in a meaningless state. nothing but routine. nothing's wrong. nothing's wrong.

my life is so perfect i begin to doubt if i'm really living it.

no. this is not the ending i'm looking for. scrape the logical ideas.
give me back the silly hope of waiting for miracles.

if it's the only thing that still brings emotion to me.

let's rewrite this chapter.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

cookie: separated into 4 PERFECT portions by guirong
cookie: separated into 4 PERFECT portions by guirong
cookie: separated into 4 portions by lena
cookie: separated into 4 portions by lena
front: jocelin, lena, back: huixin, guirong, kaijing
front: jocelin, lena, back: huixin, guirong, waiyue
front: jocelin, lena, back: huixin, waiyue, guirong

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

doesnt it feel great to be loved?

dont throw your shoes at me. what am i asking? before you go "duh", let me explain.

it's only a great feeling if you're loved by the one whom you love.

i suppose nothing else really matters.

or at least, that's what i've learnt today.

so you may ask " so how am i supposed to know if the girl i love loves me? "

i'm not sure about the rest of the girls (and guys)
but personally, i believe all girls keep a little record, be it mentally, a little black book, or a diary..

of the guys she knows that are worth being on her charts.

for myself, i keep a mental note. guys worth being on these charts are broken down into 4 categories.


1. pure friends
2. play boys
3. must grabs
4. abyss

1. pure friends aka limited partnerships
it's avaliable to all, and you're probably a major partner, everyone stands an equal chance, but it's pretty tough to jump charts since you've landed here for some reason, it probably means you're ousted from the other two groups. the good point? you're less likely to land in the abyss.

2. play boys aka public listed companies
all of you are shareholders, as diluted as it is.. but who cares? just get your dividends and ask for nothing more. no true love here, just investments.

3. must grabs aka private limited
why private limited? if you're here, thank god. it means you are the one with something special, and the girls dont want you to be owned by anyone else, and you are limited in terms of quantity. dont we all know why?

4. abyss aka byebye
probably occurs when you try to jump charts. say if you're a friend, but you try to get into the must grabs group, and the girl's down with PMS, in you go into the abyss. so how do you get out of there? be nice and humble. other than that, if you land here from the very start, it's just damn sad.

but again that's just mean me..

i'm sure everyone has different standards!

Sunday, September 04, 2005



everyone's disappointed to see that there's no update.

oh well, what can i say? school's insane, i think everyone will agree on that.
anything new? Comex perhaps..

jocelin and xiangrong works there. so while people are paid to sell computers, i get paid to buy computers. except i am SICK of comex. thank god it's over!

nothing really gets stuck in my mind so i guess there's no pressing issue for me to bitch about. except nature and its destructive forces terrorising the lands again.

and erm.. my new resolution to reduce drinking to once a month.
it just depends on when i decide to start it. haha.

i miss talking to lena - my favourite roomie!
and bitching to jocelin while she gives me a headache when swaying her body at the interchange.
or just watching rong's expression when i give her the i dont give a damn face.

and i'm finally sick! flu! so i guess i should be able to sleep tonight. what a luxury.. except i havent done tutorials.

it's so nice to be a patient again. only this once i hope. gives me an excuse to take time off from the work and school stuff.

you know those typical british films like Bridget Jones's diary and About a Boy or Wimbledon?

always starts off with a loser. meets someone that changes his/ her life, gets to be a better person, get the girl/ guy he/ she lusts for and will die to screw, finds (somehow) true love, lives happily ever after.

if only life was that simple.

so if i'm that loser. i really dont mind. just as long as i get that happily ever after.

as long as i somehow eventually reach that happily ever after part.

there you go, the confessions of a no-longer teeage girl.