hu Beneath The Masks: October 2005

Beneath The Masks


Thursday, October 27, 2005


i want to retire by 40.

it's pretty ambitious? isnt it?

that's because i dont plan to live very long to begin with. so while people seek ways to a longer lifespan, i'll be happy to live up to 60. or at least that's what i think for now.

so i suppose if i want my child to be in university before i retire, it's about time to have a kid now.

of course, as ivan never fails to remind me, i can always marry a divorced man with kids.
at least i wont have to worry about the 9 months torture.

let's digress a little.

the final presentation grades are out. 25%. and i have to screw up the 25% one. fine.

the professor told me i lacked personality.


james told me the same thing a few days ago. comparing the first time he saw me on stage and the recent ones i'm doing, i've lost that character he once saw in me.

ask me why.

i think i'm tired.

maybe all these influences around me kills my identity.

maybe your presence wears me down once more.

Monday, October 24, 2005

the smart woman

the smartest women play dumb.

that's what i've learnt over the years.

sure, a guy admire you for your confidence, intelligence, adaptability.. but i suppose admiring is different from letting him play the king.

role playing real life drama? perhaps.

walk into a pub and see those guys trying to charm you. if you're smart, they might want to take up the challenge and continue trying to please you.

most of the time men are too lazy perhaps.

so when you play smart,
they just leave.

look at the way men stare at jessica simpson. besides seeing her as having a hot hot hot body, they see her as stupid. and they like her.

do you really think jessica simpson is stupid?
nah.. i think she's the smartest woman in the whole world.
you see.. she plays dumb.

how many man fantasizes about bedding the CEO of some prestigious firm? nah.. we all want a piece of jessica simpson's ass.

so ladies, if you're wondering why the men are walking away from you, that's probably because you play too hard to get. and you're way too smart for them.

let the dudes take control.

you can take over the reins after you get the rock.


Friday, October 21, 2005

sometimes we forget

i like myself. to a great extent i suppose. and i cant imagine anyone not liking themselves.

yes, i have this bad habit of assuming that everyone is like me.

which of course, doesnt take a genius to point out that i am obviously wrong.

some people detest themselves.

i wonder why.

i suppose if the whole world fails you, the most decent thing to do is at least to love yourself as a person.

or maybe not.

sometimes we envy people because they are pretty handsome faces. we forget that it takes a lot more convincing from them before people see beyond their pretty faces.

sometimes we envy people for being damn smart. we forget that these are the people constantly scrutinised, and most of us are trying to bring them down.

sometimes we envy people for being well-liked. we envy people for being lucky. we envy people for being confident. we envy people for all the various reasons..

most of the time we forget to envy ourselves.

we forgot that the most beautiful people are the ones who start by loving themselves and the ones around them.

we are still forgetting.


A snufflezz production: (updated whenever)

Chapter 1 Part 2

Not a single soul in sight? She grinned, happy that there was something to scream at her subordinates for. And the computers weren’t even switched on. She made a mental note as she made her way towards her special cell with the golden letters “Financial Controller” imprinted on the door. Suddenly, Diane sensed that she was not alone. She spun round to see that she had missed someone, the part-time girl she employed three months ago to help out with the surge in invoices during the year-end sales.

The girl’s hair was tied up in a ponytail, her big eyes hidden under her thick glasses. She looked up and smiled at Diane, politely addressing her, “good morning Miss Chan”.

“Good morning.” Diane forced a smile. What’s her name again? Diane tried her luck.


“Elaine.” The young girl corrected. She looked up at Diane patiently, waiting for her response.

“Where are the rest?” Diane tried to sound as nonchalant as possible.

Elaine turned to face the stacks of invoices that occupied every inch of her desk. “In the ladies.” She whispered softly.

Not a very good liar. Diane looked at the almost empty office, then at the girl. Overworked and underpaid. An A-levels graduate waiting for her university application results slogging here for 5 bucks an hour. How pathetic. Diane thought. She probably has the highest qualifications after me. How ironic. I should fire all the other overpaid employees.

She rummaged through her laptop bag for her keys, and opened the door to her lonely little transparent compartment. The aquarium-like design enable her to watch the rest work, but it also meant that she would be closely watched like a guppy in a tank.

She closed the door after her, shutting herself from the outside world of treachery and politics.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

the story of boys and girls

i do suppose you look back at a relationship you went through at some point in your life. whether it was sweet or bitter, i suppose it all depends on what you went through.

and i suppose at one point of time you might have the urge to go back in time and fix that certain wrong and start over again.

we all know it's not going to happen.

but now my phone rings every night.
and a new number appears.
and i see you trying very hard to reach me again.
and i shudder to think that you might hurt me once again.

but now i can sleep at night. ironic? i dont know.

this mental torture wears me off.

i remember how i used to mocked the "love" of romeo and juliet. the story of a little boy and a little girl in love, to die for love.

and it tears your heart to see that they havent lived.

they havent seen the beauty of this world, the havent experienced love til they've been burnt, they havent seen politics, or pain or sorrow or bliss!

no, there goes the poison and the dagger and their lives.
totally unutilised.

and i remember the stories you told me. of little boys and little girls in love. so naive, so innocent, so untainted by the evils of the world.
where money and future didnt matter. future was about where to meet tomorrow.
future was bliss.

like a pretty poetry.

today i see no such love.
no innocence, no faith, no hope.
where the liles becomed soiled.

i see people failing to trust.
i see people love with their minds not their hearts.
i see the association of love with cash.

and it pains me.

that i can no longer be that little girl.

perhaps one day when i realise that it is okay to hurt, okay to love, and okay to embrace this world of treachery, i might be inspired again.

for now, allow me to be blinded to everything that is in your lies.
because i like that pretty story.

Friday, October 14, 2005


i wonder if any of us realised. time seems to be slipping past faster than you can comprehend.

for those of you who managed to buy a car prior to the last biding session. congratulations. you probably got a 2k rebate.

a couple of my friends are asking me why i dont make use of the opportunity to buy a car? i've gotten the CAT E COE (and transferred it anyway).

please la. do you really think this is all a gift from the dear LTA? to let us have the candy FOC?

i wonder if any of you went near plaza singapura recently. seen the ERP that hasnt been activated? economy no good, cannot activate.. remember?


so when will it have the chance to be activated?

traffic congestion. once the new batch of low COE cars hit the roads. and we all have no choice but to pay.

dont say i didnt warn you.

now i wonder if the government can sue me for that. i do hope not.

somehow everything seems pieced together.

yes, i'm still disgusted at the fact that media is controlled. if not for the brave souls that dared to report the truth and nothing but the whole truth, would we have known about suharto? or durai?

tell me what is tony tan doing in SPH?

sometimes i think democracy is falling apart.
it's just that.. is there democracy in this world at all?

Saturday, October 08, 2005


A snufflezz production: (updated whenever)

Chapter 1 Part 1

Diane carefully parked her new chilli red MINI cooper S into the lot with printed with the fading words “Financial Controller”. Taking a quick glance at the diamond-studded watch wrapped round her slender wrist, she smiled gleefully when she realized that she was half an hour early. Knowing that her lazy subordinates will be having breakfast in the office canteen at this hour, she strolled into the office to check to see if they would prove her wrong.

She whipped her employees’ pass out of her purse and gently tapped it on the unsightly metallic card reader. It beeped and flashed the time “09:37”. Unusually early of me, she thought, as she pushed open the heavy glass door. She smoothened her skirt as she stepped into the office, and scanned the perimeters.

top reasons why we like to bully lena

top reasons why we like to bully lena.

5. Because she will get irritated easily and show that "bullied" face while most of us are prone to stoning

4. Because she will forget that we bullied her 30 seconds later anyway

3. Because we like to see her reaction when we bully her, which is damn cute =X

2. Then she will keep asking us why we like to buller her in a funny yet irritating way

1. And it gives us another reason to start over again

Thursday, October 06, 2005

sneak peek

just a little preview of my works:

Saturday, October 01, 2005


finally went to register for my business.

"havent you already registered for it?"

yep. this is another one. that explains my white hair. so after my plan to sell IT accessories, let me introduce my plan to sell accessories like earrings, necklaces and bracelets.

yes ms choy is insane.

and 24/7 isnt enough.

in fact, i think i really ought to get some sleep now.
will update you guys when i officially launch the site and promote the good deals here. meanwhile, do keep me updated on the designs which you guys think might sell.

watch out! i'm going to be the trend.